Thursday, May 21, 2009

Updates from Bart

Well, I haven't posted anything since my glasses broke. So for those out there who have been waiting on the edge of their seats to find out how it turns out...I have new glasses. They're, as Sarah calls them, "Drew Carey" glasses. I prefer "Rob Bell" glasses, but whatever. I don't have a picture of me wearing them yet, but when I do, it'll be posted.

Still no job yet. There have been a few leads. There is one preaching job really close to here that I'm very interested in. I just don't know if they're interested in me. I'm definitely learning about having faith in God to provide something for me. This situation led me to Matthew, where Jesus talks about how God takes care of the birds, and how we shouldn't worry about what tomorrow is going to bring. It's what I need to do, but it's hard to put it in to practice. All I can do is continue to pray at this point. I'll let you know if something comes up!

- Bart


  1. Bart I've been praying the same prayer for myself for about a year. I know sometimes it seems like He's not going to give you an answer when you need it most but He does provide everything and all in His time. I'll definitely still be praying for you! Now...there are blogs on here from you and I'm just waiting on one from Joe! Sorry to hear about the glasses breaking. Drew Carry and Rob Bell are 2 very different styles so please get a pic posted so we can all vote!

  2. Miss you--praying that your interview tomorrow will be fruitful. I'm glad Sarah is enjoying her fieldwork. Very sorry baby Joe has been under the weather. School is out. today was the last day. Praise the Lord. Catch ya later.
