Monday, May 11, 2009

Yah for our first blog!! Bear with us...I (Sarah) am not very good at this stuff, but we will figure it out eventually! Today is our first full day as Kentuckians. It's been busy! We have everything in the basement...and we have been trying to find where everything is! Joe and Austyn have spent most of the day together, going for car and golfcart rides, eating and sleeping! Joe slept through most of the morning while we were moving things in around him...I think the move has worn him out!


  1. Hey guys! So you moved to KY? So where are you all living now? What are you guys gonna do from here?

  2. I knew you could do it. I started one too last night for us and our friends and family that live far away. Its at

    I'm going to add you to my favorites. Thanks!


  3. So glad you decided to start a blog. Please keep us posted for all your doings, and of course pictures of Baby Joe. Thank you so much for my bag of goodies. We love you.
